Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Blood Angels list revised
- Librarian dreads die like any other dread
- Highly mobile foes evade you if you can't get the drop on them with pods
- 2 scoring units are sometimes not enough
- FNP sucks if your opponent has 8 plasmaguns and always hits 7/8 shots
- Frag cannons are severely underestimated
So, based on that, here is the revised list. Also it's really 1750 points now.
Librarian - Shield of Sanguinius, The Sanguine Sword
- - - > 100 points
*************** 2 Elite ***************
Furioso-Dreadnought - Frag cannon, heavy flamer, droppod
- - - > 170 points
Furioso-Dreadnought - Frag cannon, heavy flamer, droppod
- - - > 170 points
*************** 6 Troops ***************
Assault Squad - 1 meltagun, 1 sergeant with infernuspistol, powerweapon, droppod
- - - > 140 points
Assault Squad - 1 meltagun, 1 sergeant with infernuspistol, powerweapon, droppod
- - - > 140 points
Deathcompany - 10 deathcompanists, 2 powerfists, 4 boltguns, droppod
- - - > 285 points
Deathcompany-Dreadnought - 2 bloodclaws, droppod
- - - > 160 points
Deathcompany-Dreadnought - 2 bloodclaws, droppod
- - - > 160 points
Assault Squad - 1 meltaguns, 1 sergeant with powerweapon, jumppacks
- - - > 125 points
*************** 2 support ***************
Dreadnought - Bloodfist, heavy flamer, multi-melta droppod
- - - > 150 points
Dreadnought - Bloodfist, heavy flamer, multi-melta, droppod
- - - > 150 points
Total points Blood Angels : 1750
For 1850 points the jumppack squad gets 5 more marines with another meltagun.
Why the frag cannons? Well, 2 shots, possibly multiple autohits, ignore cover, most units wounded on 2+, threat to heavily armored foes and tanks up to AV14 with rending and it's FREE. What's not to like. The dreadnought still got his bloodfist and is as durable as an librarian dreadnought but 50 points cheaper.
I just have to figure out how to convert the frag cannons. I guess I could use the leftover seismic hammers or hurricane bolters from my deathcompany/ironclad dreadnoughts. Haven't found any viable conversions for them on the net until now.
Friday, September 10, 2010
Blood Angels list preview
- - - > 100 points
- - - > 210 points
Furioso-Dreadnought - Librarian with Wings of Sanguinius, Might of Ancients, droppod
- - - > 210 points
- - - > 145 points
Assault Squad - 1 meltagun, 1 sergeant with infernuspistol, powerweapon and meltabombs, droppod
- - - > 145 points
Deathcompany - 10 deathcompanists, 2 powerfists, 4 boltguns, droppod
- - - > 285 points
Deathcompany-Dreadnought - 2 bloodclaws, droppod
- - - > 160 points
Deathcompany-Dreadnought - 2 bloodclaws, droppod
- - - > 160 points
- - - > 165 points
Dreadnought - Bloodfist, heavy flamer, multi-melta, extra armor, droppod
- - - > 165 points
Total points Blood Angels : 1745
Well, it's dread death from above and yeah, it's 5 points short, but there is nothing useful I could put in the list at this pointlevel. I would change the Librarian Dreadnoughts psychic powers to Fear of the Darkness and Shield of Sanguinius for both of them, but as most tournaments don't allow matching psychic powers I'm going with the close combat powers. Also helps against those pesky fearless units. I'm also going to check if normal Furioso dreads are sufficent to do the job, 100 points are a lot for just the Librarian upgrades.
What does it do?
Drop 5 droppods on the enemy on first turn (2x Deathcompany dread, 1x Deathcompany, 2x Furioso Librarian) and keep the rest back especialy the 2 scoring troops. The list only has 2 scoring units but as they only arrive as reserves and land where I need them. Ok, scatter 2d6 and then land ;) They should be relatively safe. The support dreadnoughts are for mopping up or to kill heavy armor more reliably if its on the board on turn one. Six dreadnoughts should keep any opponent busy, as everything appears where he doesn't want it. Monsterous creature and anti tank heavy lists are going to be a problem though. Still, letting 10 Deathcompany Marines and 2 Bloodclaw Dreadnoughts run rampant in the opponents army is fun no matter the outcome. ;D
For 1850 points the Dreadnought loose extra armor, the Sergeant loose meltabombs and an Assault Squad with jumppack, meltagun and Sergeant with powerweapon is in. Gives me another scoring and highly mobile unit. An alternative would also be two Land Speeders with multi-melta and heavy flamer.
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
New project
New addition to the chapter family. Take wild guess what army that's going to be. For clarification what this army is going revolve about watch this:
Planned armylist comming up, still got to finish some Shade Bearer models.
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Gallery update
Here are some more pictures of my Shade Bearer Codex Chapter.
For more pictures of these squads and the rest of the tanks go here.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Warhammer 40.000 STMS
Damn, camera got lost in the warp again, lol.
But the Emperor was with my marines again this tournament. New blessed dice in the armycolours that don't suck did help too. I didn't win the tournament but the overall performance was good at least. Lost against the tournament winner because I can't fucking guess deployment zones in game 4.
Got screwed with painting points too. My fully painted army with converted Sternguards, painted and decorated bases, consistent paint scheme, troop markings and some freehands on the scrolls gets 16/35 Points next to last (14 points were the least?!). A fully painted Necron army with glow effects, decorated bases and consistent paint scheme gets 18/35 points as far as I remember. A SM army with at least 5 different paint schemes, simply glued on sand as base decoration, 1(!) spotable conversion and models with paint on them so thick you could paint two whole 10 man squads with it gets 23/35 points. A converted Chaos Marine army with inconsistent paint scheme and unfinished models wins best painted. To the complete surprise of said player.
Well: Klick
The terrain was also far from adequate for fifth edition 40k. Some tables had not even enough terrain on them to hide an infantry squad completely behind them, also most tables didn't have 25% terrain placed on them. As the tournament was planned for 20 players and only 7 tables were set up I would like to know how they would have managed a sold out tournament.
Nonetheless, I had fun there as the games were all had fought and close until the last round. Except the fifth game, I did win that Because We Can! :P
Game 1:
Opponent: Heinz "McGurk" Tschig
Army:Imperial Guard
List: Companycommand with Lascannon in Chimera, 2x Platooncommand with 4 meltagun, 3x Infantrysquad with grenade launcher and krak grenades in Chimera, 2x infantry squad with grenade launcher and autocannon, 1x infantry squad and lascannon, 1 Leman Russ Vanquisher with Lascannon, Manticore, 1x 2 Hyrdas, 2x 1 Vendetta
Mission: 3 obectives
Deployment: pitched battle
First turn: me
I combat squaded my tacticals and put the flamers and sergeants in the Rhinos, the rest is put on my two objectives. He put some his troops on his objective and tried to get to one of my objectives with his chimeras and vendettas. I drove the Rhinos forward to his objective and flamed and assaulted him off there to get a third one. His vendettas got shot down and I could keep him from getting through to my far left objective until round 6, clearing him off his own objective and claiming the other with a combat squad. 2:1 in objectives.
Result: 32:8
Game 2:
Opponent: Markus "Maxamato" Juran
Army: Dark Angels
List: Samael on Jetbike, 1x Deathwing Terminators with Assaultcannon, 2x 3 Ravenwing Biker with 2 meltaguns, 2x Ravenwing Trike with multimelta, 1x 5 man Tactical Squad with powerweapon and meltagun in Razorback with twin-linked Lascannon, 1x 5 man Tactical Squad with powerweapon and plasmagun in Razorback with twin-linked Lascannon, 1x 5 man Tactical Squad with powerweapon and flamer in Razorback with twin-linked Lascannon, 2x Venerable Dreadnought with plasmacannon
Mission: Troops claim objectives in assault phase when in terrain piece (5 Markers)
Deployment: Reserves
First turn: me
Everything is in reserve so we had to roll for our squads. I got a Tactical squad and combat squaded them to claim the first objective. I also got my Speeders and hide them behind the giant single building directly at my table edge. Good that the rest of the board was almost empty, so he couldn't hide completely. I deployed my predators at each of my table corners to get shots at his bikers when they come from the table edge. I got to kill one of the biker squads before the Predators get blown up by the trikes. One trike then ate a lascannon shot, the other was in an eternal fight with the remaining 2 marines of one of my combat squads. Samael killed some of my tactical squads but then stood in the open and gots shot by plasma and krak missiles. His Terminators ran around in cover but got shot up by melta or plasma shots. On round 4 I claimed two objectives, also had two. I used Gate to Infinity to land in his big terrain piece to contest and drove a Razorback in his other objective. He still got to claim another objective with his bikers before they died but is unable to reclaim his other terrain pieces as he couldn't kill the Razorback or the Sternguard with the Librarian in them. 2:1 in Objectives.
Result: 30:10
Game 3:
Opponent: Kevin "Jani" Zöllinger
Army: Eldar
List: 1 Farseer with doom, mindwar and runes of warding, 1x 10 Harlequins with all upgrades, 2x Rangers, 1x Falcon with engines and holofield, 1x Fire Prism with engines and holofield, 3x 10 Guardians with scatter laser and Warlock with Runespear, 1x 3 Vypers with scatterlasers, 1x 2 Warwalkers with scatterlasers, 1x 6 Banshees with executioner
Mission: Killpoints
Deployment: Spearhead
First turn: him
I kept everything in reserve and he deployed almost everything in a big piece of wood. His walkers and Vypers were in reserve. On his first two turn he boosted around on the board and waited for me. On my second turn one Tactical and 2 Sternguards came on the board which drove 12" and popped smoke. One of my Predators was placed on the other edge of the board to shoot his tanks in the back when they fly back to my Rhinos. 2 Speeders managed to kill one walker of the squadron. On his third turn nothing serious happened to my marines and I again drive 12" and disembark, the other Rhinos came in to and followed up with their 12" move. Then it's flame on and 2 Ranger squads died in flames with half the guardians in the wood. I got shot up a lot but still manage to flame some more guardians the following round before my two Sternguard squads and the Librarian got eaten by Harlequins. I then got my tactical squad back in their Rhino and down his Falcon and shot his infantry up some more. He lost some Guardian squads and the remaining War Walker. I loose one of the Razorbacks. 6:4 in killpoints.
Result: 32:8
Game 4:
Opponent: Werner "Cleaner" Himsl
Army: Space Marines
List: Librarian with Nullzone and Gate to Infinity in Terminator armor and Storm Shield, 6 Assault Terminators in Land Redeemer with Multimeta, 2x 10 man Tactical squad with combi-melta, meltagun and missile launcher in Rhino, 2x 5 man Scout squad with 2 shotguns and powerweapon in Landspeeder Storm, 1 Ironclad Dreadnought in Droppod, 1 Dreadnought with Assault Cannon in Droppod, 1 Thunderfire cannon
Mission: get to enemy deployment zone, troops give 2 points, everything else 1 point
Deployment: 12" away form diagonal
First turn: me
I deployed everything but my Landspeeders and combat squaded and drove forward for 2 turns while shooting at the lone Thunderfire cannon, killing her on round 2. Then his reserves showed up and stunned my predators, doing nothing else to them than stunning them for 3 more turns before finally killing them off with the help of the Terminators. His scouts assaulted my footslogging troops and killed one combat squad, while getting whittled down slowly by the other. His Dreadnought droped in my deployment Zone and took tremendous fire before exploding. His Land Raider came in, immobilizes a Rhino, before disembarking the Terminators but not the Librarian. I canceled all his attempts to cast and got to shoot the Terminators to pieces. My Dreadnought got immobilizes by the Land Raider before he could assault it. I then forgot to move a Rhino for a round and moved my other vehicle 2" too little to count as in the enemy deployment zone. I had about double the points he had in my deployment zone in his deployment zone, but as I wasn't completely inside the deployment zone I lost 5:4 instead of winning 11:7.
Result: 10:30
Game 5:
Opponent: Markus "Night-Haunter" Bachler... I mean Domenik "warp_spider" Binder ;P
Army: the borrowed Nightlords Chaos Space Marines of Night-Haunter from the KTMS
List: 1 Demonprince with wings and Warp Time, 15 lesser demons, 2x 10 Chaos Space Marine with 2x meltagun and power fist in Rhino, 10 Chaos Space Marine with 2x flamer and power fist in Rhino, 1 Vindicator, 3 Obliterators, 6 Bikers with 2x meltagun and powerfist, Predator with heavy bolters and havoc launcher
Mission: 5" template in the middle as objective
Deployment: Dawn of War
First turn: him
Yay, revenge for the KTMS. Sadly not the same player but the same army. He placed the Demonprince out of sight and a Rhino with flamer CSM on the objective. I deployed nothing. On his first turn everything except his demons arrived and he promtly immobilized his flamer Rhino on the objective. I then drove on the board and started pummeling him form >12" away and whittled him down until round 4. I killed all his vehicles by round 3 and he couldn't retaliate much as his Obliterators were either not in line of sight or my vehicles got cover from his own troops. His bikers got shot to pieces by a Sternguard squad but one biker gots to flee but does nothing the rest of the game. On Round 4 I drove forward to the middle to lure his prince out of hiding and to rapid fire him off the objective. He took the bait and tried to assault with him but as he shot my Tactical squads on his turn I used Combat Tactics and ran out of range and he only gots to assault the contesting Rhino. On my last turn the Demonprince first ate Nullzone and then some krak missiles. My whole army shot at his last models on the objective leaving 2 and his morale held. Last chance, all or nothing assault on his powerfist Champion and the meltaguy. For the Emperor! Boltgun to the face, 3 wounds, saves: 1 and 2,1, dead. Win. Because We Can! :P
Result: 34:6
Battlepoints: 138
Paintingpoints: 16
Total: 154
Fourth place, and again: Klick for putting me there from third place with that ridiculous painting judgment. Otherwise a solid performance of my army, the scouts are still out. ;)
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Because we can!
This was the slogan of the Carinthian team and sums up pretty much what my marines do.
Well, my frustration and bad dice rolls aside the tournament was pretty fun. Good terrain with many TLOS blockers and cheap drinks for the players. Again forgot to bring the camera, doh.
Ok, one thing though I would have kicked the guy with his LEGO Orks out. Don't care if he drove 300 km to get to the tournament. If you show up to an event where you are obliged to have your whole army painted and your army is just something cobbled together with Lego bricks, you deserve nothing less.
Game 1:
Opponent: Markus "Night-Haunter" Bachler
Army: Chaos Space Marines
List: 1 Demonprince with wings and Warp Time, 15 lesser demons, 2x 10 Chaos Space Marine with 2x meltagun and power fist in Rhino, 10 Chaos Space Marine with 2x flamer and power fist in Rhino, 1 Vindicator, 3 Obliterators, 6 Bikers with 2x meltagun and powerfist, Predator with heavy bolters and havov launcher
Mission: Annihiltion
Deployment: Dawn of War
First turn: him
Not much to say here. Dawn of War deployment and I just place the Scouts on the board he drives everything on and promtly kills 2 of them with one havoc launcher shot. Highlight of the game is the Sternguard who kills the Demonprince with just their first turn of shooting. Then it goes downhill and I get out assaulted or get run of the board with failed morale checks. Can't kill his vehicles when shooting in the side or the rear eather. He gets 8 killpoints, I get 4.
Result: 8:32
Game 2:
Opponent: Stefan "Ahriman" Winkler
Army: Chaos Space Marines
List: 1 Demonprince with wings and Warp Time, 6 Chaos Space Marine with 1x plasmagun, Icon of chaos glory and combi-plasma in Rhino, 2x 8 Chaos Space Marine with 1x meltagun, Icon of chaos glory and combi-melta in Rhino, 10 Tousand Sons in Rhino, 2x Vindicator, 3 Obliterators, 2x Chaos Terminators with 3x combi-melta, power fist and chainfist
Mission: 5" template in the middle as objective
Deployment: Spearhead
First turn: him
He drives everything on the template and waits for me to come on the board to contest for the draw. The end.
Ok, it wasn't that simple, but time ran out and this pretty much sums everything up. The mission is also not quite balanced as the one going first is almost always the winner if he can block the opponent from the template. Very favorable for mech armies and assault armies.
Result: 16:24
Game 3:
Opponent: Matthias "Kodos_der_Henker" Leitner
Army: Space Wolves
List: 1 Runepriest with Living Lightning and Jaws of the World Wolf 10 Grey Hunters with 2x plasmagun and power fist and Cyclone missile launcher Wolfguard, 5 Wolfguard Terminators in Land Raider Redeemer, 2x Wolf Scouts with 2x powerweapon, meltagun and mark of the wulfen and Wolf Guard with powerfist and combi-melta, 7 Grey Hunters flamer, mark of the wulfen and Wolf Guard with power fist in Rhino, 8 Grey Hunters meltagun, mark of the wulfen and Wolf Guard with power fist in Rhino
Mission: 5 objectives
Deployment: pitched battle
First turn: him
I reserve everything and place my Scouts to lure his Scouts out and just so I lost the game. My scoring units fail to come on the board until round 5 get run of the board on the same round. The rest stays away until round 3 and 4 and get picked on by his whole army. I try to contest his objectives with Land Speeders, weaponless Razorbacks and the Gate Librarian but get immobilised or shot down as I can't roll anything but ones on critical checks. Well, except morale checks... and as psychic tests aren't morale checks I can successfully fry my Librarians brain with snakeeyes when I need him to contest for the draw.
Result: 2:38
Final place was 15/20.
Conclusion: Venerable Dreadnought and Scouts: GTFO!
I think I will change the Rhinos to 2x Las/Plas Razorbacks and one Assault Cannon Razorback with 5 man squads with combi-melta and get some Assault Terminators in for close combat. Still I'm going to field the army this way again without the Scouts at the Warhammer 40.000 STMS. Mainly because I already submited my armylist. ;)
Monday, August 23, 2010
Shade Bearers painting status update
Sorry, no pictures.
All the infantry models are finally painted and based. One Rhino and the Venerable Dreadnought are done and one Landspeeder is drying as I'm typing this. Still one Landspeeder, 2 Rhinos, 2 Razorbacks and 2 Predators to go. The turrets are done, but the rest is still in the green/blue basecolour stage. I hope four days are enough to get them all done.
Back to work...
Update: Still 2 Predator hulls to go, but I think I'm going to make it.
Update 2: It is done!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Shade Bearers group shots
Space Marine Tactical Squad I:
Space Marine Tactical Squad II:
Space Marine Tactical Squad X:
Space Marine Tactical Squad X - Space Marine Sergeant with combi-melta:
Space Marine Tactical Squad X - Space Marine with boltgun:
Space Marine Tactical Squad II - Space Marine with auspex and boltgun:
You can see more pictures here.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Warhammer 40.000 KTNMS [2010]
Well, I'm setting myself a deadline to get my codex marine army finished: 28.08.10 - 09:00 AM
Armychoice is the same as for the Austrian 40k Championships and again the armies have to be fully painted. Ok, it depends on how you define fully painted, but still... ;)
List to be tested and with painting progress:
*************** Space Marines ***************
1 HQ: 100 pt. 5.4%
3 Elites: 625 pt. 33.7%
4 Troops: 655 pt. 40.8%
2 Fast attack: 180 pt. 9.7%
2 Support: 190 pt. 10.2%
*************** 1 HQ ***************
Space Marine Librarian, Null Zone, The Gate of Infinity (painted)
- - - > 100 points
*************** 3 Elites ***************
Venerable Dreadnought, dreadnought close combat weapon, stormbolter, plasma cannon (primed)
- - - > 175 points
Sternguard Veteran Squad
4 Veterans, 1 x combi-melta, 1 x combi-plasma, 1 x heavy flamer (1 veteran done, rest is primed)
+ 1 Sergeant, 1 x combi-melta (primed)
+ Razorback, lascannon and twin-linked plasma gun (primed)
- - - > 225 points
Sternguard Veteran Squad
4 Veterans, 1 x combi-melta, 1 x combi-plasma, 1 x heavy flamer (primed)
+ 1 Sergeant, 1 x combi-melta (primed)
+ Razorback, lascannon and twin-linked plasma gun (primed)
- - - > 225 points
*************** 4 Troops ***************
Tactical Squad
9 Space Marines, flamer, multi-melta (painted)
+ 1 Sergeant, meltabombs (painted)
+ Rhino, hunter-killer missile (painting in progress)
- - - > 215 points
Tactical Squad
9 Space Marines, flamer, multi-melta (painted)
+ 1 Sergeant, meltabombs (painted)
+ Rhino, hunter-killer missile (primed)
- - - > 215 points
Tactical Squad
9 Space Marines, flamer, missile launcher (painted)
+ 1 Sergeant, 1x combi-melta (painted)
+ Rhino, hunter-killer missile (primed)
- - - > 225 points
Scout Squad
4 Scouts, 4 x sniper rifle, camo cloaks (painted)
+ 1 Sergeant, 1 x sniper rifle, camo cloak (painted)
- - - > 90 Punkte
*************** 2 Fast attack ***************
1 Land Speeder, 1 x heavy bolters, 1 x Typhoon missile launcher (primed)
- - - > 90 points
1 Land Speeder, 1 x heavy bolters, 1 x Typhoon missile launcher (primed)
- - - > 90 points
*************** 2 Support ***************
Predator, autocannon, 2 heavy bolters, hunter-killer missile (primed)
- - - > 95 points
Predator, autocannon, 2 heavy bolters, hunter-killer missile (primed)
- - - > 95 points
Total points Space Marines : 1850
As you can see there is still much to do, but there is still a month to get it done. Otherwise some of the models get the lazy man's treatment and that should do it to call the whole army painted. ;)
I will put some pictures up as soon as I get whole units with their transports finished.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Austrian 40k Championships / ÖMS 40k
After a long time of lurking in the shadows I'm again posting something here. I didn't play a game for about 4 months and what way is better to get back in the picture than the national championship? ;)
My codex marines are still not finished and so my Black Templars again went on a crusade to Vienna to rid this glorious city of heretics and xenos.
And again no pictures, forgot my camera. :(
- 1850 points
- No Forgeworld
- No allies
- No special characters
- No two identical HQs
- No three identical Elites, Fast attack, Support
- Only four identical Troops if the Codex has only one Troop choice
- No identical psychic powers
My modified 1750 List to match 1850 points:
*************** Black Templars ***************
1 HQ: 140 pt. 7.5%
3 Elites: 515 pt. 27.8%
4 Troops: 564 pt. 35.5%
0 Fast attack
2 Support: 530 pt. 28.9%
*************** 1 HQ ***************
Emperor's Champion
- Accept any Challenge, no matter the odds
- - - > 140 points
*************** 3 Elites ***************
5 Terminator Assault Squad
- 3 x lightning claw
- 2 x thunder hammer & storm shield
- Furious Charge
- - - > 215 points
- Venerable
- Tank Hunter
- missile launcher
- twin-linked lascanon
- - - > 165 points
- missile launcher
- twin-linked lascannon
- - - > 135 points
*************** 4 Troops ***************
Crusader Squad
9 Initiates
- 1 x power fist
- 1 x meltagun
3 Neophytes
- - - > 199 points
Crusader Squad
5 Initiates
- 1 x missile launcher
- 1 x meltagun
- 1 x bolter
+ Rhino
- smoke launcher
- - - > 153 points
Crusader Squad
5 Initiates
- 1 x missile launcher
- 1 x meltagun
- 1 x bolter
+ Rhino
- smoke launcher
- - - > 153 points
Crusader Squad
5 Initiates
- 1 x missile launcher
- 1 x meltagun
- 1 x bolter
+ Rhino
- smoke launcher
- - - > 153 points
*************** 2 Support ***************
Land Raider Crusader
- smoke launcher
- - - > 268 points
Land Raider Crusader
- smoke launcher
- - - > 268 points
Total points Black Templars : 1849
The games:
Game 1:
Opponent: Fabian "g_g" Paulista (final placing: 30.)
Army: Chaos Demons
List: Bloodthirster, Great Unclean One, 2x 8 Juggernaughts, 6 Fiends of Slaanesh, 3 Nurglingbases, 1x 10 Plaquebearers, 2x 6 Plaquebearers, 1 Demonprince of Nurgle
Mission: table quarters as objectives, units must be completly in one quarter to claim it
Deployment: Spearhead
First turn: him
Well. He had no printed armylist. He used a measuring tape that is worn out beyond all recognition so you can't even guess where the markings are. He forgot to field his Demonprince. He put the riders of his Juggernaughts with equipment on their mounts on the second round after they appeared and after moving them in attack position. He prevented me from charging his Plaquebearers with my big Crusader Squad out of my LRC because of 1-2 millimeters after pushing the table, his models and my models while measureing with his crappy tape. He failed 7 saves in 7 rounds of playing. He is/was captain for the Austrian team for the European Team Championships?! Yay. But all that doesn't matter as I apperantly held my brain in my hands and tried to rush at his Troops to kill his scoring units instead of playing for the draw from the start as I couldn't win the game anyway. Nothing much to say for the game. He went lucky and blew up the 12" moving Terminator LRC with the Bloodthirster before reaching his troops with just one hit. The Terminators then got eaten by the Juggernaughts and my big Crusader Squad get killed after disembaring and beeing unable to charge. Conserving my units to simply contest the whole table would have brought me a solid 20:20, but in the end it's a draw as I still contest every quarter, but with my whooping 0 (read ZERO!!!!!!!!!!111one) victorypoints it gets modified to only 10 points for me.
Result: 10:30
Game 2:
Opponent: Christoph "divaimidada" Gausch (final placing: 19.)
Army: Chaos Space Marines
List: 1 Slaanesh Sorcerer with Lash, 8 Berserkers with fist in Rhino, 1 Demonprince with wings, 3 Chaos Terminators with combimelta, 5 Noisemarines with Rhino, 6 summoned Demons, 5 Plaquemarines with powerfist and 2x plasmagun in Rhino, 10 Chaos Space Marine with 2x meltagun in Rhino, 1 Defiler, 2 Obliterators, 1 Vindicator
Mission: 5" template in the middle as objective
Deployment: pitched battle
First turn: him
He put everything on and drives everything forward to claim the objective. I placed my two dreadnought out of sight of all his shooting and placed the rest in reserve. The dreadnoughts wrecked his vehicles and the his squads in the open. Next round he couldn't do much as my dreadnought still are out of sight of his long range shooting and on my turn I rushed nearly all my transports forward and killed some more vehicles with the dreadnoughts. When I placed one of my Rhinos on the template in round 4 it was over. My shooting took out all vehicles except the Defiler and most of his infantry fell to close combat.
Result: 32:8
Game 3:
Opponent: Alexander "Laertes" Krebs (final placing: 44.)
Army: Space Marines
List: 1 Captain with combiplas and powerfist, 1 Chaplain with meltabombs and Jumppack, 1 Commandsquad with Banner, Champ, 2 powerfists and meltagun in Rhino, 5 Terminators, 1 Ironclad Dreadnought, 1 Scout Squad with heavy bolter, 1 Tactical Squads with plasmagun and lascannon, 1 Tactical Squad with flamer and heavy bolter, 10 Assault Marines with powerfist, stormshield, flamer and plasmapistol, 1 Vindicator
Mission: Annihiltion
Deployment: Dawn of War
First turn: him
He placed everything on board, I don't. He came a litte closer to the middle. On my turn rushed the LRCs forward and poped smoke, the Rhinos drove behind cover. My dreads shook the Vindicator. His Terminators and Assault Squad still came a little closer and his shooting failed to do anything. I drove further on, killed any meltawielding things that looked funny at at my LRC and killed his Termis and Assault Marines in close combat. Next round I slaughtered one of his Tacticals and moped up the Rest of his army with shooting. In the end he had 2 Scouts and 5 normal marines remaining.
Result: 40:0
Game 4:
Opponent: René "Vitek" Vittmann (final placing: 17.)
Army: Chaos Space Marines
List: 1 Slaanesh Sorcerer with Lash, 1 summoned greater demon, 3 Chaos Terminators with 3x combiplas, 3 Chaos Terminators with 3x combimelta, 5 Chosen with 2 flamer, 2 meltaguns in Rhino, 2x 5 Chaos Marines with champion and plasmagun in Rhino with havoclauncher, 2x 6 summoned demons, 8 Chaos Marines with powerfist and meltergun in Rhino with havoclauncher, 1 Defiler
Mission: seize ground with one marker in the middle and each player places one marker
Deployment: Spearhead
First turn: him
He placed everything on board, I didn't. See a pattern here? ;) He drove everything to the middle and rushed at him on my turn. Next round he castled up in the middle of the board to claim two objectives. His Terminators tried to melta one of my LRCs but scattered on it and I am able to placed them in the far back corner of his deploymentzone where they were out of action for the rest of the game. His shooting did nothing and I multicharged 3 Rhinos and the Defiler with my big crusader squad and his combiplas Terminators and some summoned demons with my Terminators. The assault ended with a dead Defiler, dead Terminators, dead demons, a stunned Rhino and a weapon destroyed on another. His greater demon and some Marines killed the big crusader squad and I drove forward with one of my LRC to contest his objective. He tried the same with a Rhino and his greater demon, but I destroyed the Rhino and tank shocked his demon three times to get it of my objective. His Sorcerer and a marinesquad ran off the board and the demon died from massive fire. One objecitve for me, none for him.
Result: 34:6
Game 5:
Opponent: Anton "Spida" Pum (final placing: 13.)
Army: Orks
List: 1 Warboss with powerclaw, squig and cybork on bike, 1 Big Mek with force field, Meganobz in Trukk, 2x 28 with Clawboss Boys, 1x 12 Boyz with Clawboss in Trukk, 1 Deff Dread, 6 Nobbikers with dok and some stuff to be different, 2 Bazookabuggies, 3 Killacans with Grotzookaz, 3 Killacans with Rokkitlaunchers
Mission: seize ground with five markers
Deployment: pitched battle
First turn: him
The best for last. We both placed everything on the board. I tried to block his Nobbikaz with my Terminator LRC and we get a standoff until round 3 taking some shots at each other. I tried to get rid of his walkers and destroy 3 of them. Some boyz died to shooting. On round 4 he tried to push forward with his bikers but couldn't reach me yet so he tried to block my Terminators with his buggies but I still get the charge in. Couldn't kill them all but got them to run, but as I was only able to consolidate 1" they stayed on the board. My big squad got to charge one of his boymobz on his two objective, slaughtering them all and claiming the objectives. The fifth round brought the desicion his Killacan were unable to charge my Rhino on the objective on my side and I tank shocked his remaining boymob on the middle two objectives to contest. The fourth marker was contested by a small crusader squad. Then time ran out so we had to stop after round 5. In the end I claimed 2 Objectives contesting 2. The fifth marker was out of reach for both of us. The most exciting game of the tournament as winning or loosing was decided by difficult and dangerous terrain tests in the fifth round and nobody clearly had the upper hand in claiming the markers.
Result: 32:8
Battlepoints: 148
Paintingpoints: 20
Bonus: 5
173 points for me in total. Got me third place in the tournament, but as first and second place went to German players I apparently took the title of Austrian Warhammer 40k Champion 2010. All in all a great tournament with good and (mostly) fair opponents. Next stop will be the Warhammer 40k Styrian Championship (German) I think and again I'm not sure if I am able to finaly field my new Codex Marine army.
I still prefer
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
New army
But my time is limited and I had to finish my Black Templars too and they still got 2 Vindicators left.
The paint scheme is based around the colors green, blue, gold and brown for cloth, shoulder pads and sergeant helmets and thematizes roughly around a Studentenverbindung.
Chapter symbol:

Standard Tactical Space Marine:
Veteran Sergeant:
Pictures and armylist will follow as soon as I got a camera. ;)
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Grünäs Heatz 2010 results

No pictures here, need a camera again. ;)
My first time playing at that location, they had 10 gameboards prepared, but only 18 players showed up. Terrain and catering was okay, but I simply hate those grass mat type gameboards that you can roll onto a normal table. My dice rolling always sucks on those -.-
First game:
Martin "Priest" Urthaler with Dark Eldar
Army: 4 raider squads, 2 warrior squads, 2 ravagers, 2 lords with retinues, 1 wynch squad with raider everything with at least one dark lance or blaster
Mission: Seize ground, 4 markers
Deployment: Dawn of War
First turn: him
Argh, lances, I'm allergic to lances!
He put his warriors in cover and then boosted most of his raiders at my table edge. I deployed nothing and drove everything onto the field on my first turn, poped smoke, some shooting, he saved everything. First lance at the LRC with Emperor's Champion and the power fist squad, explodes. D'oh! He then assaulted with his lord and got stuck for two rounds loosing all but the lord and one incubi. My dreadnoughts ran at his gunline of warriors and wrecked all the raiders, but both got immobilized on turn 5 so I couldn't assault or contest his 3 markers. 2 of 3 Rhinos were also immobilized, so no contesting there either. I lingered at the two markers in the middle of the field and held one at the end of the game with just one initiate. One of his markers was contested by an immobilized venerable dread. So it was a 2:1 in his favor.
Battlepoints: 8:32
All in all a very exciting game. It stood and fell with the two Dreadnoughts. Haven't played a game over 7 turns in a long time too. Was pretty lucky too, as his lords only killed about 5 models in the whole game. Dark Eldar don't need a new codex. ;D
Second game:
Thomas "tommynator" Stinner with Space Marines
Army: Terminator Librarian with Smite, Gate and combiplas, captain with combiplas and lightning claw, command squad with power fist, champion and standard bearer , 5 thunder hammer terminators, 5 lightning claw terminators, 2 10 man taktical squads, 1 10 man assault squad, vindicator, whirlwind, Trikes with 2 Multimelters
Mission: Capture and control
Deployment: Spearhead
First turn: him
March or die?
We both put our markers in the back of our zones. He deployed every thing, I reserved everything. On my second turn only the tactical LRC and on Rhino squad didn't come in, I drove in, blasted his trikes, shook and immobilized the vindicator and drove everything forward. Tank shocked through his force and killed about 4 sergeants in death or glory. Lucky melta shot then got one LRC (D'oh!) but my terminators slaughtered the commandsquad, captain, 2 tactical squads and the whirlwind in response. His lightning claw terminators ran off the table with the librarian, the thunder hammer killed the venerable dread after 3 rounds and then got shot by the rest of my army. On turn 6 he had 2 assault marines left.
Battle points: 36:4
Well, no transports and only 3 meltas in the force. Couldn't do much wrong here. Got to say that he is a very young player and hasn't got a very firm grasp of the rules. Feel kind of bad for running him over (literally, tank shocked about 6 of his units and he always tried to meltabomb the rhinos).
Third Game:
Hannes Joe "Joehansi" Schreiner with Space Marines
Army: Terminator chapter master, 5 thunder hammer terminators, 5 lightning claw terminators, 5 terminators with assault cannon, 1 10 man tactical squad, 2 5 man sniper scouts with missile launcher, 2 Land raider crusaders
Mission: Annihilation
Deployment: pitched battle
First turn: him
Tankhunting fail!
He deployed everything, me too this time. He drove forward, I drove forward. My ven. dread poped a LRC and assaulted his lightning claw terminators. My LRCs drove clockwise and picked off a scout squad, unloaded terminators, that slaughtered his tactical squad, picked of the other scout squad, picked up the terminators again and delivered them back to my table edge to charge his locked down lightning claw terminators. His other terminators got shot by my tacticals. His captain died to a chainsword of an initiate on turn 5 as his last model on the board. He got 2 Rhinos.
Battle points: 40:0
Another SM and again one of the younger ones. Didn't do much more than pick off an unit after another. Tabled him, but he had it coming after dissing Thomas all the time for loosing so badly against me before.
Painting points: 20/25
Also third place there if I recall correctly and the point boost for third place overall with one point less than second place. Didn't know I'm that good. ;P
A tournament with only 5 Space Marine players including me.
And I get to play 2 of the others.
The Imperium is doomed!
Here are the results.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
First tournament 2010
- 1750 points
- No Forgeworld
- No allies
- No special character form this list: Ghazghkull, Eldrad, Vulkan, Shrike, Khan, Fateweaver, Masque, Logan Grimnar, Njal
So, not much of a restriction for my forces. I would use my new Vanilla Space Marine army, but as painting points are used in addition to battle points and I want to place at least in the top 5, I will have to use my Black Templars. Should finish the Vanillas some time...
Well, here is the list I am going to field:
*************** Black Templars ***************
1 HQ: 140 pt. 8.0%
3 Elites: 515 pt. 29.4%
4 Troops: 564 pt. 32.2%
0 Fast attack
2 Support: 530 pt. 30.3%
*************** 1 HQ ***************
Emperor's Champion
- Accept any Challenge, no matter the odds
- - - > 140 points
*************** 3 Elites ***************
5 Terminator Assault Squad
- 3 x lightning claw
- 2 x thunder hammer & storm shield
- Furious Charge
- - - > 215 points
- Venerable
- Tank Hunter
- missile launcher
- twin-linked lascanon
- - - > 165 points
- missile launcher
- twin-linked lascannon
- - - > 135 points
*************** 4 Troops ***************
Crusader Squad
5 Initiates
- 1 x power fist
- 1 x meltagun
- - - > 105 points
Crusader Squad
5 Initiates
- 1 x missile launcher
- 1 x meltagun
+ Rhino
- smoke launcher
- - - > 153 points
Crusader Squad
5 Initiates
- 1 x missile launcher
- 1 x meltagun
+ Rhino
- smoke launcher
- - - > 153 points
Crusader Squad
5 Initiates
- 1 x missile launcher
- 1 x meltagun
+ Rhino
- smoke launcher
- - - > 153 points
*************** 2 Support ***************
Land Raider Crusader
- - - > 265 points
Land Raider Crusader
- - - > 265 points
Total points Black Templars : 1749
What's the deal?
Well, it's a mechanized force, can't go wrong with that in 5th edition. Overall tactic is to drive in with everything on turn 2-3, pop smoke on the rhinos, blast away with the dreadnoughts and push the LRCs down the opponents throat. Next round again shoot as much as possible, never dismount except the terminators if they are in assault range. Well, and then is should be pretty much over ;)
No Pity! No Remorse! No Fear!