Warhammer 40.000 STMS (German)
Damn, camera got lost in the warp again, lol.
But the Emperor was with my marines again this tournament. New blessed dice in the armycolours that don't suck did help too. I didn't win the tournament but the overall performance was good at least. Lost against the tournament winner because I can't fucking guess deployment zones in game 4.
Got screwed with painting points too. My fully painted army with converted Sternguards, painted and decorated bases, consistent paint scheme, troop markings and some freehands on the scrolls gets 16/35 Points next to last (14 points were the least?!). A fully painted Necron army with glow effects, decorated bases and consistent paint scheme gets 18/35 points as far as I remember. A SM army with at least 5 different paint schemes, simply glued on sand as base decoration, 1(!) spotable conversion and models with paint on them so thick you could paint two whole 10 man squads with it gets 23/35 points. A converted Chaos Marine army with inconsistent paint scheme and unfinished models wins best painted. To the complete surprise of said player.
Well: Klick
The terrain was also far from adequate for fifth edition 40k. Some tables had not even enough terrain on them to hide an infantry squad completely behind them, also most tables didn't have 25% terrain placed on them. As the tournament was planned for 20 players and only 7 tables were set up I would like to know how they would have managed a sold out tournament.
Nonetheless, I had fun there as the games were all had fought and close until the last round. Except the fifth game, I did win that Because We Can! :P
Game 1:
Opponent: Heinz "McGurk" Tschig
Army:Imperial Guard
List: Companycommand with Lascannon in Chimera, 2x Platooncommand with 4 meltagun, 3x Infantrysquad with grenade launcher and krak grenades in Chimera, 2x infantry squad with grenade launcher and autocannon, 1x infantry squad and lascannon, 1 Leman Russ Vanquisher with Lascannon, Manticore, 1x 2 Hyrdas, 2x 1 Vendetta
Mission: 3 obectives
Deployment: pitched battle
First turn: me
I combat squaded my tacticals and put the flamers and sergeants in the Rhinos, the rest is put on my two objectives. He put some his troops on his objective and tried to get to one of my objectives with his chimeras and vendettas. I drove the Rhinos forward to his objective and flamed and assaulted him off there to get a third one. His vendettas got shot down and I could keep him from getting through to my far left objective until round 6, clearing him off his own objective and claiming the other with a combat squad. 2:1 in objectives.
Result: 32:8
Game 2:
Opponent: Markus "Maxamato" Juran
Army: Dark Angels
List: Samael on Jetbike, 1x Deathwing Terminators with Assaultcannon, 2x 3 Ravenwing Biker with 2 meltaguns, 2x Ravenwing Trike with multimelta, 1x 5 man Tactical Squad with powerweapon and meltagun in Razorback with twin-linked Lascannon, 1x 5 man Tactical Squad with powerweapon and plasmagun in Razorback with twin-linked Lascannon, 1x 5 man Tactical Squad with powerweapon and flamer in Razorback with twin-linked Lascannon, 2x Venerable Dreadnought with plasmacannon
Mission: Troops claim objectives in assault phase when in terrain piece (5 Markers)
Deployment: Reserves
First turn: me
Everything is in reserve so we had to roll for our squads. I got a Tactical squad and combat squaded them to claim the first objective. I also got my Speeders and hide them behind the giant single building directly at my table edge. Good that the rest of the board was almost empty, so he couldn't hide completely. I deployed my predators at each of my table corners to get shots at his bikers when they come from the table edge. I got to kill one of the biker squads before the Predators get blown up by the trikes. One trike then ate a lascannon shot, the other was in an eternal fight with the remaining 2 marines of one of my combat squads. Samael killed some of my tactical squads but then stood in the open and gots shot by plasma and krak missiles. His Terminators ran around in cover but got shot up by melta or plasma shots. On round 4 I claimed two objectives, also had two. I used Gate to Infinity to land in his big terrain piece to contest and drove a Razorback in his other objective. He still got to claim another objective with his bikers before they died but is unable to reclaim his other terrain pieces as he couldn't kill the Razorback or the Sternguard with the Librarian in them. 2:1 in Objectives.
Result: 30:10
Game 3:
Opponent: Kevin "Jani" Zöllinger
Army: Eldar
List: 1 Farseer with doom, mindwar and runes of warding, 1x 10 Harlequins with all upgrades, 2x Rangers, 1x Falcon with engines and holofield, 1x Fire Prism with engines and holofield, 3x 10 Guardians with scatter laser and Warlock with Runespear, 1x 3 Vypers with scatterlasers, 1x 2 Warwalkers with scatterlasers, 1x 6 Banshees with executioner
Mission: Killpoints
Deployment: Spearhead
First turn: him
I kept everything in reserve and he deployed almost everything in a big piece of wood. His walkers and Vypers were in reserve. On his first two turn he boosted around on the board and waited for me. On my second turn one Tactical and 2 Sternguards came on the board which drove 12" and popped smoke. One of my Predators was placed on the other edge of the board to shoot his tanks in the back when they fly back to my Rhinos. 2 Speeders managed to kill one walker of the squadron. On his third turn nothing serious happened to my marines and I again drive 12" and disembark, the other Rhinos came in to and followed up with their 12" move. Then it's flame on and 2 Ranger squads died in flames with half the guardians in the wood. I got shot up a lot but still manage to flame some more guardians the following round before my two Sternguard squads and the Librarian got eaten by Harlequins. I then got my tactical squad back in their Rhino and down his Falcon and shot his infantry up some more. He lost some Guardian squads and the remaining War Walker. I loose one of the Razorbacks. 6:4 in killpoints.
Result: 32:8
Game 4:
Opponent: Werner "Cleaner" Himsl
Army: Space Marines
List: Librarian with Nullzone and Gate to Infinity in Terminator armor and Storm Shield, 6 Assault Terminators in Land Redeemer with Multimeta, 2x 10 man Tactical squad with combi-melta, meltagun and missile launcher in Rhino, 2x 5 man Scout squad with 2 shotguns and powerweapon in Landspeeder Storm, 1 Ironclad Dreadnought in Droppod, 1 Dreadnought with Assault Cannon in Droppod, 1 Thunderfire cannon
Mission: get to enemy deployment zone, troops give 2 points, everything else 1 point
Deployment: 12" away form diagonal
First turn: me
I deployed everything but my Landspeeders and combat squaded and drove forward for 2 turns while shooting at the lone Thunderfire cannon, killing her on round 2. Then his reserves showed up and stunned my predators, doing nothing else to them than stunning them for 3 more turns before finally killing them off with the help of the Terminators. His scouts assaulted my footslogging troops and killed one combat squad, while getting whittled down slowly by the other. His Dreadnought droped in my deployment Zone and took tremendous fire before exploding. His Land Raider came in, immobilizes a Rhino, before disembarking the Terminators but not the Librarian. I canceled all his attempts to cast and got to shoot the Terminators to pieces. My Dreadnought got immobilizes by the Land Raider before he could assault it. I then forgot to move a Rhino for a round and moved my other vehicle 2" too little to count as in the enemy deployment zone. I had about double the points he had in my deployment zone in his deployment zone, but as I wasn't completely inside the deployment zone I lost 5:4 instead of winning 11:7.
Result: 10:30
Game 5:
Opponent: Markus "Night-Haunter" Bachler... I mean Domenik "warp_spider" Binder ;P
Army: the borrowed Nightlords Chaos Space Marines of Night-Haunter from the KTMS
List: 1 Demonprince with wings and Warp Time, 15 lesser demons, 2x 10 Chaos Space Marine with 2x meltagun and power fist in Rhino, 10 Chaos Space Marine with 2x flamer and power fist in Rhino, 1 Vindicator, 3 Obliterators, 6 Bikers with 2x meltagun and powerfist, Predator with heavy bolters and havoc launcher
Mission: 5" template in the middle as objective
Deployment: Dawn of War
First turn: him
Yay, revenge for the KTMS. Sadly not the same player but the same army. He placed the Demonprince out of sight and a Rhino with flamer CSM on the objective. I deployed nothing. On his first turn everything except his demons arrived and he promtly immobilized his flamer Rhino on the objective. I then drove on the board and started pummeling him form >12" away and whittled him down until round 4. I killed all his vehicles by round 3 and he couldn't retaliate much as his Obliterators were either not in line of sight or my vehicles got cover from his own troops. His bikers got shot to pieces by a Sternguard squad but one biker gots to flee but does nothing the rest of the game. On Round 4 I drove forward to the middle to lure his prince out of hiding and to rapid fire him off the objective. He took the bait and tried to assault with him but as he shot my Tactical squads on his turn I used Combat Tactics and ran out of range and he only gots to assault the contesting Rhino. On my last turn the Demonprince first ate Nullzone and then some krak missiles. My whole army shot at his last models on the objective leaving 2 and his morale held. Last chance, all or nothing assault on his powerfist Champion and the meltaguy. For the Emperor! Boltgun to the face, 3 wounds, saves: 1 and 2,1, dead. Win. Because We Can! :P
Result: 34:6
Battlepoints: 138
Paintingpoints: 16
Total: 154
Fourth place, and again: Klick for putting me there from third place with that ridiculous painting judgment. Otherwise a solid performance of my army, the scouts are still out. ;)
Good old Armour Saves xD
ReplyDeleteToo much "klick" for my taste. Oba vom Gas, Sepp. Good to see you experience your armylist in more than one tournament- a lot to learn.