Tuesday, July 19, 2011

AGT followup

So, it's going to be the Shade Bearers. Had no time to even start painting the Blood Angels. Afer my list revision I got some more models to paint up for the tournament:

2 Multimelta Trikes
5 Assault Terminators
3 Sternguard with combi weapons

New list:
*************** 1 HQ ***************
Space Marine Librarian, Null Zone, The Gate of Infinity
- - - > 100 points

*************** 3 Elites ***************
Dreadnought, dreadnought close combat weapon, stormbolter, plasma cannon
- - - > 115 points

Sternguard Veteran Squad
4 Veterans, 4x combi-melta
+ 1 Sergeant, meltabombs
+ Razorback, lascannon and twin-linked plasma gun
- - - > 225 points

Assault Terminator Squad
3x Thunder Hammers/Stormshields, 1x Lightning Claws,
+ 1 Sergeant, Thunder Hammer/Stormshield
- - - > 200 points

*************** 3 Troops ***************
Tactical Squad
9 Space Marines, meltagun, multi-melta
+ 1 Sergeant, 1x combi-melta
+ Rhino
- - - > 220 points

Tactical Squad
9 Space Marines, meltagun, multi-melta
+ 1 Sergeant, 1x combi-melta
+ Rhino
- - - > 220 points

Tactical Squad
9 Space Marines, meltagun, missile launcher
+ 1 Sergeant, 1x combi-melta
+ Rhino
- - - > 220 points

*************** 3 Fast attack ***************
1 Land Speeder, 1 x heavy bolter, 1 x Typhoon missile launcher
- - - > 90 points

1 Land Speeder, 1 x heavy bolter, 1 x Typhoon missile launcher
- - - > 90 points

2 Trikes, 2 x multi-melta
 - - - > 100 points

*************** 2 Support ***************
Predator, autocannon, 2 heavy bolters - - - > 85 points

Predator, autocannon, 2 heavy bolters - - - > 85 points

Total points Space Marines : 1750

The old solid list with more close combat punch. Worked out pretty well in my testgames so far, but that was mostly against Grey Knights and Imperial Guard and 26/51 will be MEQ according to , so we will see how that works out.

I guess pretty good, as the list is geared to kill MEQs. ;)