Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Grey stuff

Well, they are here. Another chapter of His glorious Adeptus Astartes... and guess who wants to have them now. ;)

Also, the sky is falling. Again. Just read the comments on BoLS (also go there if you want to know the new rules. I won't repeat everything here). Tyranids and Demons go to the shelf, CSM fear for their Demonprinces and OMG, Dark Eldar won't be flavor of the month anymore. We are doomed! Again.

That said, let's look at the models:
Well, who doesn't like the Grey Knight look? Ok, they should have used belt fed storm bolters or at least ammo boxes instead of the sickle-magazines on power armour but you can't get everything right, right? Oh, yeah, Marines... For me it's Marines all the way, no inquisition. For now at least. ;)

On the rules (as far as the leaked codex and the internet are concerned):
Vindicare Assassin:
A 4d6 armor penetration AP1 sniper with 91.67% chance to hit with infiltrate, 4+ ward save, 6+ FNP and stealth for ~150? Well, sign me up. Ok, he is no Grey Knight, sue me. :P

Troop choices, hm? And with frag grenades? Ok..., but do you need them? Strike squads do the same much cheaper and get the same options. They lose the 2+/4++ saves though.

Strike Squads:
24" S5 AP5 Assault 2 psibolt storm bolters with force weapons and psicannons. Hammerhand gives some CC boost. Warp Quake kills my Blood Angel list outright. Mishap within 12"? If you really want to you can cover the whole board with this. First turn, Grand Master with d3 scouting units, spread out and done. Ok, Droppods aren't an option, so I walk on and get shot. Or deploy on the board... and get shot. Demons? Yeah, good luck, maybe someone fails their LD 9 test.

Your crowdcontrol: multicharge, wound on 4+ before combat, then hit with I6 because of Nemesis force halberds and see if something is still standing. Need a transport though, so:

Transport for the Purifiers and antitank unit. Always get your cover save with flat out because you have a...

The Shrouding: Stealth within 6" and 3+ cover saves for stormravens moving flat out. Who can still fire one weapon. Yay.
Might of Titan: close combat boost vs vehicles and walkers.
Warp Rift: JotWW without sniping and as a flamer template. Situational I suppose and more to put the fear in the opponent. For the auto penetration on vehicles its a bit to short ranged I wager.
The Summoning: If you really need a unit fast.
Sanctuary: Force dangerous terrain tests, it helps, ask Nightspinner players.

Grand Master:
Get d3 units with scouts or scoring, 3+ Wardsave, powerhouse in close combat. Thank you, next.

The faithful imperial mobile bunker. Put some power armour guys in or use as LOS blocker.

Let's see a hypothetical list:
Grand Master
Librarian, Warp Rift, Might of Titan, Shrouding, Summoning
2x 10 man Grey Knight Strike Squad, 2 Psicannons, Psibolts
1x 10 man Grey Knight Purifier Squad, 6 Nemesis force halberds, 2 Incinerators, 2 Psicannons
Vindicare Assassin
2 Rhinos
2 Stormravens

Well, that's it. I wonder how that list holds up when I get the final codex with all the options.

Blood Angels still remain the next army to finish. ;)

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